
Ηλίας Στεφάνου

Νόμιμη αντίδραση σε κατ’ οίκον εισβολέα

Άρθρο στην εφημερίδα ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ, Νοέμβριος 2013 Λέγεται συχνά πως το σπίτι μας είναι το «κάστρο» μας, όπως εξάλλου ρητά το ορίζει και το άρθρο 16(1) του Συντάγματος « η κατοικία εκάστου είναι απαραβίαστη». Μέσα στο σπίτι μας εξελίσσεται όλη μας η ζωή, μεγαλώνουμε τα παιδιά  μας και εκεί μέσα κρύβουμε αντικείμενα σημαντικής συναισθηματικής και οικονομικής...
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Criminal Justice in Cyprus

The criminal justice system of Cyprus consists of five main components: law enforcement, prosecution and defence attorneys, legislation, adjudication and corrections. These distinct agencies operate together in tandem both under the rule of law and as the principal means of upholding social responsibility. Each part of the criminal justice system is equally important, because if...
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Η σημασία του κινήτρου κατά τον μετριασμό

Το κίνητρο ή το ελατήριο τέλεσης μιας εγκληματικής πράξης δεν αποτελεί συστατικό στοιχείο οποιουδήποτε ποινικού αδικήματος. Στο πλαίσιο του δικαίου της απόδειξης, η μαρτυρία που αποδεικνύει το κίνητρο του δράστη γίνεται δεκτή επειδή φωτίζει τις προθέσεις του και επεξηγεί τις πράξεις ή παραλείψεις του. Σε αυτό το πλαίσιο, κατά την επιμέτρηση της ποινής, το κίνητρο...
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The Judicial System of Cyprus

Under the Constitution of Cyprus, the judiciary is independent from the legislative and executive branch of the state. The judicial power is vested in the Supreme Court and subordinate Courts established by law. The Supreme Court of Cyprus is the highest court, which functions both as an appellate court in criminal and civil matters and...
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Introduction to the criminal law

Criminal law is that part of public law and its rules determine the general and specific features of human behaviour that display particular moral and social worthlessness (crime).  Such behaviour is punishable by the legislator with a specific penalty (criminal penalty). Criminal law embodies and reflects socially determined judgments that some forms of behaviour should...
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Judicial Cooperation within the EU

Cyprus is aligned with the European Union’s legislation regarding the prosecution of a person within the EU boundaries, namely the 2002/584/JHA: Council Framework Decision of 13 June 2002 on the European arrest warrant (the “EAW”) and the surrender procedures between Member States. The objective set for the Decision was the Union to become an area...
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The Rule of Law in Cyprus

Historically, the legal route that Cyprus followed can be divided into six stages, which are intertwined with the historical periods of the island through the centuries and various conquerors.  In spite of the fact that modern Cypriot Law has its origin in an extensive variety of different legal systems along with its accession to the...
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